My Favorite Children's Encyclopedia

There are many different encyclopedias on the market. Some of them are so beautiful that I can't say no when I'm seeing it on the bookstore. When I'm buying encyclopedias I have always on my mind my kids. They are so happy because they love to leaf through different types of encyclopedias.

Their favorite encyclopedia is "Children's Illustrated Encyclopedia" from Dorling Kindersley. Dorling Kindersley (DK) is an international publishing
company specializing in reference books for adults and children. Books are known for their pictorial style. It's also very helpful especially when my kids doing their homework. Sometimes they are doing different projects such as posters which they have to present in front of the class. All the parents of teenagers I know complain about the extent and complexity of the homework projects their children are required to do, but on the other side is so beautiful felling when I'm doing homework with my kids together and when I'm helping them to discover different subjects. I really love to help them. I teaching them and believe me, they are also teaching me.

We have many different encyclopedias in our home. As I said the favorite encyclopedia for my kids is "Children's Illustrated Encyclopedia" but they love others encyclopedias as well. They love to reading encyclopedia of Animals, Earth, Human....All of them is from Dorling Kindersley and because I'm so enthusiastic about their books I've decided to setup special web site where I'm presenting their encyclopedias. You can find them at.

On the book market you can also find Encyclopedia of all Encyclopedias: World Book Encyclopedia which Offers in-depth information on a variety of subjects and educational activities for children. I love this encyclopedia very much and I would like to highly recommend it to all of you!

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